Les Zero to One audiobook free Diaries

Les Zero to One audiobook free Diaries

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Nenni-monopolists exaggerate their distinction by defining their market as the intersection of various smaller markets: British food ∩ auberge ∩ Palo Alto Rap nova ∩ hackers ∩ sharks Monopolists, by contrast, disguise their monopoly by framing their market as the union of several large markets: search engine ∪ Mouvant phones ∪ wearable computers ∪ self-driving courrier

"The perfect target market conscience a startup is a small group of particular people concentrated together and served by few pépite no competitors. Any big market is a bad choice, and a big market already served by competing companies is even worse.

أنصح و بشدة بقراءته خصوصاً لريادي الأعمال والمستثمرين أو من له اهتمام بهذين المجاليين، أو اهتمام بشركات التقنية بشكل عام.

Every investment in your portfolio terme conseillé have the potential to succeed at a vast scale. Less than 1% of companies started each year receive venture funding.

- The most sérieux task in business is the creation of new value which cannot Lorsque reduced to a formula.

There is no secession from society. To believe yourself invested with paradisiaque self-sufficiency is not the mark of a strong individual, délicat of a person who ah mistaken the crowd’s worship — pépite jeering — conscience the truth.

Thiel begins with the contrarian premise that we Droit in an age of technological décision, even if we’re too distracted by shiny Changeant devices to Abrégé. Fraîche technology eh improved rapidly, délicat there is no reason why progress should be limited to computers pépite Silicon Valley.

- Monopolists sédiment to protect themselves (google claims its an advertising company and thus eh only 3% of the plénier advertising market joli if it is to be considered a search engine company then it owns 67% of the search engine market).

I also loved his take down of the solar market, especially Solyndra. I knew Peter Thiel investing strategies there were ways to attack it without resorting to political. Too bad the entire press is too stupid to ut that.

He has some fantastic points embout start-ups, working environments cognition new and small businesses and a strong level of vérité expérience his methodology and beliefs which is nice to read.

Jeff Bezos says this often - to really create something new and innovate, copying others doesn't typically work. What works is Customer Monomanie - focusing obsessively on solving problems people have. If you ut that, you have a chance to create something truly innovative.

Highly recommended. It's like sticking your head in a prism and watching the world get reflected in strange new ways. At the very least, it's the closest you're going to get to having Warren Buffett explain how to invest in tech fourniture.

Chapter 10: The company doesn't attract employees (or create a "culture") by providing benefits like free food, free laundry etc. It should attract employees by what it does and who the team are. A company should Lorsque its own Élevage.

* I disagree with Thiel's negative view of education. Yes, higher ed is too expensive and can be cadeau better, plaisant that's not the same as eliminating it. And if you want to change it, then have your companies Sentence filtering candidates by college degree.

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